Results for 'Charles E. Hughes'

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  1.  22
    Triadic partial implicational propositional calculi.Charles E. Hughes - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):21-28.
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    Word problems for bidirectional, single-premise Post systems.Charles E. Hughes & David W. Straight - 1980 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21 (3):501-508.
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    Two variable implicational calculi of prescribed many-one degrees of unsolvability.Charles E. Hughes - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (1):39-44.
    A constructive proof is given which shows that every nonrecursive r.e. many-one degree is represented by the family of decision problems for partial implicational propositional calculi whose well-formed formulas contain at most two distinct variable symbols.
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  4. Single premise post canonical forms defined over one-letter alphabets.Charles E. Hughes - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (3):489-495.
    In this paper we investigate some families of decision problems associated with a restricted class of Post canonical forms, specifically, those defined over one-letter alphabets whose productions have single premises and contain only one variable. For brevity sake, we call any such form an RPCF (Restricted Post Canonical Form). Constructive proofs are given which show, for any prescribed nonrecursive r.e. many-one degree of unsolvability D, the existence of an RPCF whose word problem is of degree D and an RPCF with (...)
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    A reduction class containing formulas with one monadic predicate and one binary function symbol.Charles E. Hughes - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (1):45-49.
    A new reduction class is presented for the satisfiability problem for well-formed formulas of the first-order predicate calculus. The members of this class are closed prenex formulas of the form ∀ x∀ yC. The matrix C is in conjunctive normal form and has no disjuncts with more than three literals, in fact all but one conjunct is unary. Furthermore C contains but one predicate symbol, that being unary, and one function symbol which symbol is binary.
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    Sets derived by deterministic systems with axiom.Charles E. Hughes - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):71-80.
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    The one-one equivalence of some general combinatorial decision problems.Charles E. Hughes & W. E. Singletary - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (2):305-309.
  8.  41
    William W. Boone. Word problems and recursively enumerable degrees of unsolvability. An emendation. Annals of mathematics, ser. 2 vol. 94 , pp. 389–391. - Donald J. Collins. Truth-table degrees and the Boone groups. Annals of mathematics, ser. 2 vol. 94 , pp. 392–396. [REVIEW]Charles E. Hughes - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):184-185.
  9. Acknowledgment of External Reviewers.Zoubeida Dagher, Charles J. Linder, Barbara J. Reeves, Maria Cecilia Gramajo, Dick Gunstone, Gregory J. Kelly, HsingChi A. Wang, Hugh Lacey, Robin H. Millar & Hans E. Fischer - 2004 - Science & Education 13:153-154.
  10.  42
    The Renaissance of the Individual. By Kurt Lachmann. (Charles Skilton, Ltd., 1947. Pp. xvi + 143. Price 7s. 6d.).George E. Hughes - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (89):183-.
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    Renaissance Ideas and the Idea of the RenaissanceThe Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy.Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms and Legacy. Volume 1: Humanism in Italy. Volume 2: Humanism Beyond Italy. Volume 3: Humanism and the Disciplines.Supplementum Festivum: Studies in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller.Renaissance Studies in Honor of Craig Hugh Smyth. Volume I: History, Literature, Music. Volume II: Art, Architecture.Marsilio Ficino e il ritorno di Platone: Manoscritti, stampe e documenti.Marsilio Ficino e il ritorno di Platone: Studi e documenti. [REVIEW]Charles Trinkaus, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler, Charles B. Schmitt, Albert Rabil, James Hankins, John Monfasani, Frederick Purnell, Andrew Morrogh, Fiorella Superbi Gioffredi, Piero Morselli, Eve Borsook, S. Gentile, S. Niccoli, P. Viti & Gian Carlo Garfagnini - 1990 - Journal of the History of Ideas 51 (4):667.
  12.  45
    Schleiermacher as 'catholic': A charge in the rhetoric of modern theology.John E. Thiel - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (1):61–82.
    Books reviewed in this article: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination: Texts Under Negotiation. By Walter Brueggemann. In the Throe of Wonder: Intimations of the Sacred in a Post‐Modern World. By Jerome A. Miller. Interpreting Hebrew Poetry. By David L. Petersen and Kent Harold Richards. Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume I: Aαρωυ‐Eυωχ. Edited by Horst Balz and Gerhard Schneiders. The Secretary in the Letters of Paul. By E. Randolph Richards. Revelation. By Wilfrid J. Harrington. Conversion to Christianity: Historical and (...)
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  13.  24
    A New Introduction to Modal Logic.G. E. Hughes & M. J. Cresswell - 1996 - Studia Logica 62 (3):439-441.
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    Comment by Charles E. Scott.Charles E. Scott - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:45-49.
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  15. A Companion to Modal Logic.G. E. Hughes & M. J. Cresswell - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (3):411-413.
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  16.  19
    The pilgrimage of philosophy: a festschrift for Charles E. Butterworth.Charles E. Butterworth, René M. Paddags, Waseem El-Rayes & Gregory A. McBrayer (eds.) - 2019 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    This book intends to introduce readers to the work of Charles E. Butterworth, and thereby to introduce students to Medieval islamic political philosophy, of which Butterworth is one of the world's most prominent scholars. In a wider sense, the Festschrift introduces its readers to the current debates on Medieval islamic political philosophy, related as they are to the questions of the relationship between islam and Christianity, the Medieval to the Modern world, and reason and revelation. Butterworth's scholarship spans six (...)
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  17. The Autonomy of Morality.Charles E. Larmore - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In The Autonomy of Morality Charles Larmore challenges two ideas that have shaped the modern mind. The world, he argues, is not a realm of value-neutral fact, nor does human freedom consist in imposing principles of our own devising on an alien reality. Rather, reason consists in being responsive to reasons for thought and action that arise from the world itself. Larmore shows that the moral good has an authority that speaks for itself. Only in this light does the (...)
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    Uniqueness of perceived hues investigated with a continuous judgmental technique.Charles E. Sternheim & Robert M. Boynton - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (5):770.
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  19. The Morals of Modernity.Charles E. Larmore - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays collected in this volume all explore the problem of the relation between moral philosophy and modernity. Charles Larmore addresses this problem by attempting to define the way distinctive forms of modern experience should orientate our moral thinking. Charles Larmore wonders whether the dominant forms of modern philosophy have not become blind to important dimensions of the moral life. The book argues against recent attempts to return to the virtue-centered perspective of ancient Greek ethics. As well as (...)
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  20.  34
    What is Political Philosophy?Charles E. Larmore - 2020 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    A new understanding of political philosophy from one of its leading thinkers What is political philosophy? What are its fundamental problems? And how should it be distinguished from moral philosophy? In this book, Charles Larmore redefines the distinctive aims of political philosophy, reformulating in this light the basis of a liberal understanding of politics. Because political life is characterized by deep and enduring conflict between rival interests and differing moral ideals, the core problems of political philosophy are the regulation (...)
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  21. The concepts of substance and mode in Spinoza.Charles E. Jarrett - 1977 - Philosophia 7 (1):83-105.
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    The Language of Thought.Charles E. Marks - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (1):108.
  23.  12
    Readings in moral theology /Edited by Charles E. Curran and Richard A McCormick.Charles E. Curran & Richard A. Mccormick - 1979
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  24. Has God's Existence been Disproved? A Reply to Professor J. N. Findlay.G. E. Hughes - 1949 - Mind 58:67.
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  25. The Question of Ethics: Nietzsche, Foucault, Heidegger.Charles E. SCOTT - 1990 - Indiana University Press.
    "... stimulating and insightful... a thoroughly researched and timely contribution to the secondary literature of ethics... " —Library Journal "His important new work establishes Scott... as one of the foremost interpreters of the Continental philosophical tradition of the US.... Necessary for anyone working in ethics or the Continental tradition." —Choice "... a provocative discourse on the consequences of the ethical in the thought of Nietzsche, Foucault, and Heidegger." —The Journal of Religion Charles E. Scott's challenging book advances the broad (...)
  26.  50
    Locke, Berkeley, Hume: Central Themes.Charles E. Marks - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (1):126.
  27.  9
    Omnitemporal logic and converging time.G. E. Hughes - 1975 - Theoria 41 (1):11-34.
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  28.  27
    An Examination of the Argument from Theology to Ethics.George E. Hughes - 1947 - Philosophy 22 (81):3 - 24.
    It is not infrequently said that the true justification of moral beliefs lies in theology. I wish here to examine precisely what is meant by this contention, and by what arguments, if any, it can be substantiated. The view I am examining is not that the only valid reason for doing what is right is a theological reason ; as if we could know independently of theology what was right, but required a theological motive to make it reasonable to do (...)
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  29. Politics and Markets: The World's Political-Economics Systems.Charles E. Lindblom - 1983 - Journal of Business Ethics 2 (2):166-168.
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  30. Motive and Duty.G. E. Hughes - 1944 - Mind 53:314.
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  31. Charles Peirce's Theory of Scientific Method.Charles Peirce & Francis E. Reilly - 1972 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 8 (1):53-55.
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  32.  8
    The Elements of Formal Logic.G. E. Hughes & David Londey - 2019 - Methuen.
    Originally published in 1965. This is a textbook of modern deductive logic, designed for beginners but leading further into the heart of the subject than most other books of the kind. The fields covered are the Propositional Calculus, the more elementary parts of the Predicate Calculus, and Syllogistic Logic treated from a modern point of view. In each of the systems discussed the main emphases are on Decision Procedures and Axiomatisation, and the material is presented with as much formal rigour (...)
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  33.  52
    Philosophy and Scientific Realism.Charles E. Caton - 1965 - Philosophical Review 74 (4):537.
  34.  50
    Stem Cell Tourism and the Power of Hope.Charles E. Murdoch & Christopher Thomas Scott - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (5):16-23.
    This paper explores the notions of hope and how individual patient autonomy can trump carefully reasoned ethical concerns and policies intended to regulate stem cell transplants. We argue that the same limits of knowledge that inform arguments to restrain and regulate unproven treatments might also undermine our ability to comprehensively dismiss or condemn them. Incautiously or indiscriminately reasoned policies and attitudes may drive critical information and data underground, impel patients away from working with clinical researchers, and tread needlessly on hope, (...)
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    Managing with integrity: insights from America's CEOs.Charles E. Watson - 1991 - New York: Praeger.
    Uses interviews with one hundred twenty-five leading male executives to determine how companies can be managed both profitably and ethically.
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  36. A companion to modal logic - Some corrections.G. E. Hughes - 1986 - Logique Et Analyse 29 (13):41.
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    What Price Better Health? Hazards of the Research Imperative.Charles E. Rosenberg & Daniel Callahan - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (4):50.
  38. Global perceptions of religious and non-religious scientists.Rebecca E. Hughes, Carissa A. Sharp, Carola Leicht & Fern Elsdon-Baker - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    Previous research investigating perception of science and scientists indicates that certain physical, behavioural and belief system–related attributes are associated with scientists. Some of these include white, male, reserved and devoted to work. The current research takes an international approach into perceptions of science and scientists related to (non-)religious social identity. Four studies ( n = 1146) across four countries (the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Argentina) investigates perceptions of scientists with religious social identity. This research included several targets with multiple identities, (...)
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  39. Inquiry and Change.Charles E. Lindblom - 1991 - Ethics 102 (1):178-179.
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    Patterns of Moral Complexity.Charles E. Larmore - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Larmore aims to recover three forms of moral complexity that have often been neglected by moral and political philosophers. First, he argues that virtue is not simply the conscientious adherence to principle. Rather, the exercise of virtue apply. He argues - and this is the second pattern of complexity - that recognizing the value of constitutive ties with shared forms of life does not undermine the liberal ideal of political neutrality toward differing ideals of the good life. Finally Larmore agrues (...)
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  41. The principle of congruity in the prediction of attitude change.Charles E. Osgood & Percy H. Tannenbaum - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (1):42-55.
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    Report on analysis "problem" No. 17.G. E. Hughes - 1979 - Analysis 39 (3):113-115.
    Can I ever, by my subsequent actions, bring it about that something I on a previous occasion was done from a certain motive rather than from some other one?
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    The technology of love.Charles E. Hansen - 2004 - Delta, Colo.: Charles E. Hansen & Corsense Institute.
    "Although Love is a primary essence of human living, it has always been a difficult subject to study. Scholars and researchers up to modern times have generally held that Love is a much too subjective experience to be the target of serious scientific scrutiny. The author challenges this tradition by taking the reader on an excursion of Love . . . subjecting Love to a totally new rigorous analysis . . . as a 'more objective' and scientifically valid phenomenon . (...)
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    Communication and agreement.Charles E. Whitmore - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (24):741-750.
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    The status of prediction.Charles E. Whitmore - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):5-14.
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  46. The transcendental imagination: An essay in philosophical theology.Charles E. Winquist - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
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    Linguistics in Philosophy.Charles E. Caton - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (4):518.
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    Ethics for scientific researchers.Charles E. Reagan - 1971 - Springfield, Ill.,: Thomas.
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    The vanishing right to live.Charles E. Rice - 1969 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
    The author discusses prevalent social problems such as artificial insemination, abortion, euthanasia, suicide, capital punishment, contraception, sterilization and homosexuality. He examines and evaluates the current attitudes and conflicting positions that society, the law, the state, religion and individuals hold regarding these issues.
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  50. Mineral development and economic growth.Charles E. Rollins - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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